Wholesale Certified 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide

USA Trusted Since 1983
Pure Health Discounts
100% Natural Products
Certified Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide

Pool & Spa Test Strips

Measures the Hydrogen Peroxide level from 0 to 90 ppm in pools. Easy to use with instant results. 25 Strips.

Sale Price:$21.17
Add Extra Dropper Bottles

Dropper Bottle Thick wall for shatter resistance and to block out UV light.

Sale Price:$5.87
Human Body pH Test Strips

These are NOT swimming pool pH test strips. These are 80 pH test strips specifically for testing the pH level of the human body.

Sale Price:$14.36

Welcome to our Wholesale 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Page 

For single bottles of 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Click Here

100% Pure, Natural & Certified 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide to F.D.A. & Chemical Codex Standards
                                 A personal health supply source you can trust since 1983

    Since 1983 we have supplied true and legitimate certified 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide and other natural health products to over 1,000 independent natural health supplement retail stores in USA, licensed doctors & clinics, alternative and natural health professionals, water treatment facilities, commercial aquariums, dairy farms, commercial fruit and berry growers, veterinarians, plus consumer sizes to personal health conscious customers across the United States.
     Pure Health Discounts is the largest online merchant for private consumers and supplier to health stores of real certified 35% Food Grade Hydrogen. The reason is simple: what we sell is known to be pure and real certified 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide at the lowest prices anywhere.
     Our customers comments are our best endorsement. Click on this link to read just some of them. Some also had interesting usages of 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide. Our customer's reviews are our best advertising of all.


To order a single pint to a gallon of 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide shipped FAST - Click Here!

For low prices with free shipping Click On Any Picture Above or click here

Wholesale Purchasing

Sale On 4 Gallons - Save money & Safer to use

Why 1 gallon containers? 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide is heavier than water and weighs approximately 10 pounds per gallon.

Lifting & pouring a 5 gallon drum weighing over 50 pounds is very dangerous. Ordering in gallon containers cost less too.

 Wholesale/bulk True Certified 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
 In stock and shipped fast directly from us to you - we are not a 3rd party affiliate vendor
NOTICE: Time to Stock Up - Prices will increase due to dramatic increases in fuel and energy prices
This is a heads up notice for our regular customers
We have avoided raising prices for our a year. Sadly, fuel and energy costs continue to raise our costs of inventory, shipping supplies and shipping costs. For many items our actual shipping cost is as much as over twice what we have to pay. We are updating our pricing to at least come close to our actual shipping costs, noting fuel prices have now doubled to the carriers, who in turn are raising their prices as are all suppliers.
If you regularly order/use 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide we highly suggest you stock up NOW before the pricing adjustment. If stored in the dark and not a hot location, generally 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide only loses about 1/2 of 1% of strength per month. While we will keep price increases to as little as possible, you can see the rise in fuel costs, which affects every aspect of the cost of our materials, inventory and shipping.


Quarts Certified 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
NO CHECKOUT SUPRISE -Prices include all S&H charges

To order a single quart Click Here
6 Quarts:  Sale Price:$98.03  includes S+H
Limit 4
8 Quarts: Sale Price:$144.48 -includes S+H
Limit 4
12 Quart: Sale Price:$182.14  includes S+H
Limit 4
Total Limit: 24 Quarts

• Pure & Natural True Food 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide

• No stabilizers, additives or heavy metals

• Certified to Chemical Codex Standards

 • Recommended in True Power of Hydrogen Peroxide by Mary Wright, One Minute Cure by Madison Cavanaugh. Dr. Rowen's Second Opinion Newsletter, Dr. David G. Williams, Hydrogen Peroxide: Medical Miracle by William Campbell Douglass II, and Hydrogen Peroxide & Ozone by Conrad LeBeau

Add Extra Dropper Bottles 
Only available with Hydrogen Peroxide Orders
Sale Price:$5.87 ea. - Free S&H
NO CHECKOUT SUPRISE -Prices include all S&H charges
To order 1 to 2 gallons Click Here
4 GallonsSale Price:$152.32 includes S+H
Limit 4
8 Gallons: Sale Price:$269.41 Includes S+H
Limit 4
12 Gallons: Sale Price:$372.34 Includes S+H
Limit 4
Total Limit: 24 Gallons

              Add The True Power of Hydrogen Peroxide, Miracle Path To Wellness for only Sale Price:$21.37                           Add 4 Imported Natural Salts - free S&H if with Order

Why Use Hydrogen Peroxide in your Bath Water, Swimming Pool or Hot Tub?
Pool & Hot Tub chemicals are among the most health destroying toxins ever made
How to love your swimming pool or Hot Tub again
Bath, Pool & Spa 35%
Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide

Visit our informative pool & hot tub page if you have a pool or hot tub or to order click here.
    The fastest growing use of 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide is for swimming pools and hot tubs. People who switch to h2o2 love their pool or hot tub once again - plus it is very good for your health.
      Conventional swimming pool chemicals (chlorine and bromine) were introduced over a century ago when the harms of chemicals were unknown. These chemicals are so extremely dangerous they have been used to make chemical weapons for war. Chlorine is 1 of the 10 most health destroying chemicals. It causes cancer, DNA cell damage, nerve and brain damage, sterility and birth defects and dozens of other known health damages.

     Your skin in porous. This is why if you ever swim in a public pool with heavy chlorine your skin quickly wrinkles and turns white. It is being poisoned.  Worse, your lungs rapidly put the fumes of the chemical-laced water into your blood stream destroying cellular DNA. Your immune system subconsciously recognizes the danger of that water by the smell of the fumes. This is why people soon come to rarely use their swimming pool or spa - and why most people who have one say they would never have a pool or hot tub again, not understanding why.

     Hydrogen peroxide is fundamentally water and oxygen, therefore is not toxic. While the oxygen is deadly to micro-organisms, it is great for your skin and cellular body. Rather than a pool or hot tub filled with lethal chemicals that  over time destroys your health, water with hydrogen peroxide is good for your health. So your immune system subconsciously wants  you to go swimming in your pool or soak in your hot tub. If you switch to hydrogen peroxide instead of dangerous chemicals you will fall in love with your swimming pool or hot tub again.

NEW! Bath Splash Sale Packages
You will LOVE these! Try and you will know why
NOTE: Temporary Limit: 2 Sets

You Receive:  

1 gallon of 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide

1 quart of 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide 

1 ounce dropper bottle filled with 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide (free)

Plus a 4 ounce SeaSoak for your bath with your purchase of 1 gallon of 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide.

Not sure how you would use a gallon?

Check our Usage Info Page for MANY uses!

Splash Sale Price:$73.35 w/ free S&H


     You will Love this Bath Package for THE most wonderful bath soak & nighttime sleep of your life! You will have THE most wonderful bath soak & sleep of your life!
     Bring the SEA to your bathtub with Sea Soak packed with every trace mineral and magnesium - that your skin will absorb, plus will revive your skin.
    Your skin is the first line of defense against illness, how your body best excretes toxins, and more easily absorbs certain minerals than your stomach. Your complexion depends on clean skin - truly cleansed. It also will gently relaxes your muscles for a WONDERFUL night's sleep. In convenient packs.
Body Purification will cleanse your skin of the billions of fungus, bacteria and mites which clog your pores. SKIN is THE largest organ of the human body and often the most neglected. Treat yourself. You've earned it.

1 cup per bath. Click Here to read more

  2 Baths Set
2 lb Sea Soak, 1 Qt. Body Purification, Power of h2o2 book
  Sale Price:$61.43 - Free S&H
  5 Baths Set

5 lb Sea Soak, 2 Qt. Body Purification & The Power of h2o2  book
Sale Price:$78.32 - Free S&H
  10 Baths Set

10 lb Sea Soak, 4 Qt. Body Purification &
The Power of h2o2 book

Sale Price:$96.03 - Free S&H

     Bring the Dead Sea Salt to Your Spa/Hot Tub & Pool with Dead Sea Salt from Israel PLUS Oxygenate your skin & purifying your Water with Body Purification.  For over 2,000 years, people have traveled to soak in the unique mineral rich Dead Sea of Israel.
     Your skin, the largest and one of the most critical organs of your body will soak up the minerals. Salt also is a non-toxic natural biocide, helping keep your water sterile, without have to constantly blast it with terrible smelling chemicals, some of which are among the 10 deadliest chemicals! 1 eight Oz bag for your Spa or Hot Tub. All or the rest for your pool or hot tub.
     Bath, Pool & Spa 35% Hydrogen Peroxide is entirely non-toxic using the power of pure oxygen as its working element. Pure oxygen is a very powerful biocide, though 100% non-toxic and oxygenates your skin. Did you know your skin breathes?
 Click Here to read more
      2 Pool &
Hot Tub Set

2 lb  Dead Sea Salt
1 Qt. Bath, Pool, &
Spa 35% Food Grade h202,Hydrogen Peroxide Test Strips

Sale Price:$60.07 - Free S&H
  5 Pool &
Hot Tub Set

5 lb Dead Sea Salt, 1 Qt, Bath,
Pool, & Spa 35% Food Grade h2o2
Test Strips

  Sale Price:$72.41 - Free S&H
  10 Pool & Hot Tub Set
10 lb Dead Sea Salt
4 Qt. Bath, Pool, & Spa 35% Food Grade H2O2  Test Strips

Sale Price:$92.05
- Free S&H
   Click pictures above for more info
Sea Soak & Body Purification
This a pure natural health collection you will truly enjoy

Both those interested in their personal Wealth and Wellness AND Pool, hot tub and Spa owners should read
The True Power of Hydrogen Peroxide, Miracle Path to Wellness by Mary Wright
It has very practice, importance and specific guidelines and instructions.

The posted prices Are the total price including shipping, Hazmat fees when applicable, packaging and handling.

No checkout add-on tricks. No gimmicks.


      Many retail health supply stores sell our food grade hydrogen peroxide for over 100 dollars a gallon under their own private labels with many customers. Why? Because the real product is worth it. Even at those prices for that reason it is a wise health choice. If you buy 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide at a retail health supply store it is likely our product with their private label we prepared.

A special thank you to all those who contribute to the growing knowledge base for usages and benefits of food grade hydrogen peroxide. If you know of an application we do not list, drop us an email. We'd be glad to give you acknowledgement if you wish. Thank you.

All these discount prices are the total price.
There are NO surprise added charges or any other markups at checkout. No tricks. No gimmicks.


35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Health & Diet Supplements Free Usage Info Learn About Us
Wholesale 35% Food Grade H2o2 & Private Labeling Hydrogen Peroxide for
Baths, Hot Tubs & Pools
Sea Salts from Around the World   
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Email Us at PureHealthDiscount@live.com 

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