Certified 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Since 1983


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Sea Soak & Body Purification Page

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*Did you know that Chlorine (bleach) is one of the 10 most health destroying chemicals in the world?


To truly cleanse your body in ways no soap can

Body Purification

   The largest organ of the human body is our skin. It is the frontline defense against disease, must breathe to remain healthy, and if vital in excreting harmful toxins. Yet it also is the most neglected and abused human organ. Do you take care of your skin?
   Although an unpleasant topic, the human body is covered with billions of tiny body mites. Many believe they are a major cause of skin aging and blemishes. Like all living creatures, they also excrete wastes - which then become sources of micro bacteria and fungus causing micro infections, clog pores and skin breathing, and prevent proper release of dead and replaced outer skin cells.
   Ordinary soap and hot water will not remove these mites. Using alcohol over your entire body would not only be VERY unpleasant and potentially dangerous, but also would have a terrible skin drying effect by removing necessary oils of healthy skin. There is virtually no manner to remove or cleanse from these mites and all that continues to accumulate with them.
   Body Purification removes those present and the wastes and residual bacteria and fungus that has accumulated and otherwise continues to accumulate. This also then allows our skin to breathe and  uncovers our new, healthy skin, rather than always under layers of dead cells, waste excrement, fungus, bacteria and accumulated body sweat salts and oil.
   A relaxing bath with Body Purification after a physical workout or activities causing sweating is particularly refreshing and beneficial. Body Purification is based upon 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide that also contains ingredients to allow absorption into the outer layers of skin to kill and wash away these mites, their wastes, and corresponding fungus and bacteria. There also is a wonderful cleansing feeling from this and from oxygenating your healthy outer skin.
   BODY PURIFICATION IS NOT FOR INTERNAL CONSUMPTION due to the absorption ingredients.
   Each gallon is good for 8 full baths. Wonderful, cleansing in ways no soap can - leaving no residue and health-renewing bath soaks. This represents only a tiny fraction of what one massage would cost and you should experience the sensation of an h2o2 bath. It is NOT necessary to use h2o2 for every bath and is recommended for once every two weeks or after activities causing substantial sweating.
   May be used in conjunction with Sea Soak for muscle relaxation. It should not be used in conjunction with shampoo or hair conditioners. (This would not damage your hair, but could neutralize the cleansing agent.) If you are going to shampoo and condition at the same time, it is recommended you do this first and then start with fresh water for the h2o2 bath.

The finest bath soak and sleep of your life    
Sea Soak
Click on picture above for larger image 

    Since ancient times people have benefited by bathing in rich waters of the Dead Sea in Israel and other Sea Salts. This will be the most relaxing, soothing and therapeutic bath you have ever taken in your life. This product actually carries a warning that it WILL cause drowsiness. Every year millions of tourists and patients travel to the Dead Sea in pursuit of natural beauty and temporary relief from the pain and discomfort of Psoriasis, Rheumatism, Arthritis, Eczema and Muscular Pain. 

How is sea salt different from table salt?

   Common grocery store table salt comes from dry salt bed and salt mines. Thousands of years of water washed out the mineral contents and therefore table salts are devoid of mineral content. While oceans always increase in mineral content, table salts have lost their mineral content. You may have heard the expression that oceans are always becoming saltier – which is true. Oceans are also always becoming more mineral rich.

    Minerals endlessly wash out of the land into rivers and ultimately on to the oceans. When water is distilled or evaporates, the minerals are left behind – which is why distilled water is devoid of both contaminates and minerals. Thus water endlessly evaporates and returns to the land as rain and snow, but the water washed minerals out of the land into the oceans where the minerals will stay.

   Skin. the largest organ of the human body, is porous. It excretes wastes and sweat. But it also absorbs. Sea salt baths are to allow the skin to absorb the minerals of the sea and the benefits of salt therapy also.

Why magnesium?

     Other than calcium, magnesium is the most vital of minerals for the human body. The body can not even process calcium without magnesium. Magnesium also is particularly beneficial to joints and muscles, and soaking in a magnesium-rich is well proven to relax muscle and joint pains. The relaxing effect is very notable. A sea salt and magnesium bath soak before bedtime will give you a wonderful night’s sleep.

    You probably have read many who are involved in alternative health care who criticize the established medical community. You also may be aware of the established medical community often criticizing views of alternative practices. In this, when you find uniform agreement between both, you know that you have found answers.

   WORLDWIDE ESTABLISHED MEDICAL STUDIES from dozens of formal medical studies have proven the benefits of magnesium and the terrible physical and mental ailments that occur in magnesium deficiencies. Again, these are results from formal medical studies from around the world. What they have found of the benefits from sufficient magnesium and harms of magnesium deficiency will gain your attention.

   The necessity to have sufficient intake of Magnesium - which is very inexpensive and easily accomplished - is VERY well proven in scientific and medical studies conducted around the world. They also stress the wide range of ailments a person will suffer - physically and mentally with a magnesium deficiency. To read of formal medical studies of the benefits of magnesium, Click here.

   Is "youth wasted on the young?" Great attention is paid to athletes and young people in terms of muscle stress and stains in terms of addressing the problem directly. Yet with those older in years, the solution generally given in the health field is to just take another pain pill. Sea Soak addresses the causes of muscle and joint discomfort, rather than merely attempting to temporarily mask it with pain pills.

How to use Sea Soak Plus Magnesium

   They advise using it only when you have time for a nap, to sleep or to otherwise relax afterwards. It is best used before bedtime, nighttime relaxing or before an afternoon nap. It should not be used just prior to traveling (driving) or when you might be exerting a great amount of physical effort. It is excellent after exerting great amounts of physical energy such as sports, jogging, weight training or cycling.

   Add 1 to 2 cups to warm bath water at the time you start filling the tub, as it will take a few minutes to dissolve. DO NOT USE any soap, bubble bath or any fragrances. Soap does not interact well with salt and bath fragrances actually are usually harmful and interfering to a person’s breathing in steamy air.

   You can add 1 to 2 cups of Body Purification for the cleansing and oxygenating effects of H202. However, this is not necessary for the benefits of sea salts and magnesium.  

   Then just relax for 10 or 15 minutes. If you need to add hot water along this time to keep it warm to your liking that is fine.


   If you have a spa or a tube with water jets, the result will be particularly pleasing and effective. If your spa or jet-tube has a heating system, you will not want to get out. Sea Soak plus Magnesium will not damage the pipes or pump system in any way.


   WARNING: This sea salt and magnesium salt bath soak WILL relax muscles and joints.


   If you suffer from Rheumatism, Arthritis, Lupus or other conditions affecting joints and muscles, this will relieve much of the pain. However, if the condition generally making getting out of a tub or standing difficult, this could compound the problem as your joints, tendons, and muscles will be very relaxed after the soak. Those with serious lower joint difficulties generally already are using a shower stool or chair and should then also do so in showering after a sea salts and magnesium bath soak.

   For any bathing, people with high blood pressure should not make the water too hot as very hot water in any bath can increase blood pressure.
   THIS IS AN ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL PRODUCT for those who have difficulty sleeping at night and particularly for those who have the additional suffering of bedtime leg and ankle pain.
NEW! Bath Splash Sale Packages

You Receive:

1 gallon of 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide

1 quart of 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide

1 ounce dropper bottle filled with 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide (free)

PLUS a 4 ounce SeaSoak sampler for your bath (free) with your purchase of 1 gallon of 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide.

Not sure how you would use a gallon?

Check our Usage Info Page for MANY uses!

Splash Sale Price:$73.35 w/ free S&H

Sea Soak Body Purification

Body Purification

Although an unpleasant topic, the human body is covered with billions of tiny body mites. Manybelieve they are a major cause of skin aging and blemishes. Like all living creatures, they also excrete wastes - which then become sources of micro bacteria and fungus causing micro infections, clog pores and skin breathing, and prevent proper release of dead and replaced outer skin cells.

Click Here for more info

Sea Soak

A blend of natural sea salts and concentrated magnesium and pure ingredients for absorption. For the finest bath soak and most peaceful night's sleep - SeaSoak is the answer. Caution: This will relax muscles in addition to the other wonderful health benefits. It is ideal to combine Sea Soak with Body Purification that renews your skin eliminated harmful and aging mites, fungus and bacteria

Click Here for more info

1 Gallon Body Purification 2 pounds SeaSoak
Sale Price:$64.07 w/free S&H

2 Gallon Body Purification 4 pounds SeaSoak
Sale Price:$82.21 w/free S&H

3 Gallon Body Purification 3 - 2 pounds SeaSoak
Sale Price:$138.21 - w/free S&H
Sea Soak Body Purification

You will Love this Bath Package for THE most wonderful bath soak & nighttime sleep of your life! You will have THE most wonderful bath soak & sleep of your life! Bring the SEA to your bathtub with Sea Soak packed with every trace mineral and magnesium - that your skin will absorb, plus will revive your skin. Your skin is the first line of defense against illness, how your body best excretes toxins, and more easily absorbs certain minerals than your stomach. Your complexion depends on clean skin - truly cleansed. It also will gently relaxes your muscles for a WONDERFUL night's sleep. In convenient packs. Body Purification will cleanse your skin of the billions of fungus, bacteria and mites which clog your pores. SKIN is THE largest organ of the human body and often the most neglected. Treat yourself. You've earned it

2 lb Sea Soak 1 Qt. Body Purification & The Power of Hydrogen Peroxide book
Sale Price:$61.43 w/free S&H

5 lb Sea Soak 2 Qt. Body Purification & The Power of Hydrogen Peroxide book
Sale Price:$78.32 w/free S&H

10 lb. Sea Soak 1 Gallon Body Purification & The Power of Hydrogen Peroxide book
Sale Price:$96.03 w/free S&H
Pool Set and Hot Tub Set

Bring the Dead Sea Salt to Your Spa/Hot Tub & Pool with Dead Sea Salt from Israel PLUS Oxygenate your skin & purifying your Water with Body Purification. For over 2,000 years, people have traveled to soak in the unique mineral rich Dead Sea of Israel. Your skin, the largest and one of the most critical organs of your body will soak up the minerals. Salt also is a non-toxic natural biocide, helping keep your water sterile, without have to constantly blast it with terrible smelling chemicals, some of which are among the 10 deadliest chemicals! 1 eight Oz bag for your Spa or Hot Tub. All or the rest for your pool or hot tub. Bath, Pool & Spa 35% Hydrogen Peroxide is entirely non-toxic using the power of pure oxygen as its working element. Pure oxygen is a very powerful biocide, though 100% non-toxic and oxygenates your skin. Did you know your skin breathes?

2 Dead lb Sea Salt 1 Qt. Bath, Pool, & Spa 35% Food Grade H202 Test Strips
Sale Price:$60.07 w/free S&H

5 lb Dead Sea Salt 1 Qt,Bath, Pool, & Spa 35% Food Grade H2o2 Test Strips
Sale Price:$72.41 w/free S&H

10 lb Dead Sea Salt 4 Qt. Bath, Pool, & Spa 35% Food Grade H2o2 Test Strip
Sale Price:$92.05 w/free S&H

 Please Make Your Order Online for NO delay shipping directly to you.
Every item with a cart button is in stock.

Sea Soak
Limit 40 pounds
Dead Sea Salt
Limit 4
  Body Purification
Limit 4 gallons

click on picture for larger image
2 Pounds Sea Soak
Sale Price:$17.80
 Total - includes S&H

5 Pounds Sea Soak
Sale Price:$22.51
 Total - includes S&H

10 Pounds Sea Soak
Sale Price:$31.71
 Total - includes S&H

20 Pounds Sea Soak
Sale Price:$47.28
 Total - includes S&H

40 Pounds Sea Soak
Sale Price:$83.53
 Total - includes S&H

click on picture for larger image

2 Pounds Dead Sea Salt
Sale Price:$17.74
Total - includes S&H

5 Pounds Dead Sea Salt
Sale Price:$27.73
Total - includes S&H

10 Pounds Dead Sea Salt
Sale Price:$31.74
Total - includes S&H

click on picture for larger image
1 Gallon
Body Purification
   Sale Price:$58.67 Total - includes S&H

2 Gallons Body Purification
        Sale Price:$79.20
Total - includes S&H 

4 Gallons Body Purification
        Sale Price:$128.23
Total - includes S&H 

   Himalayan Pink Mountain Salt
Sourced from deep within the Himalayan Mountain range where it has been trapped for hundreds of millions of years, it has never been exposed to any modern chemicals, toxins, and radiation sources - making it the purest of all salt - processed or sea salt. Because it is trapped within the mountains themselves, the minerals have not been leached out - making it possibly the highest ratio of minerals of any sea salt from which there are health benefits and provides for its highly flavorful and unique taste.

2 lbs Himalayan Pink Mountain Salt - Sale Price:$23.79 Total - includes S&H

Our Special Sea Soak & Body Purification Packages Super Savers!
More Money Savings. Convenient. Balanced. Full Sets.

You also could sent this as a GIFT PACK to a Special Friend - a very thoughtful gift.
LIMIT: 4 Gallons Body Purification / 40 Pounds SeaSoak
Sea Soak & Body Purification
Bath Pack

1 Gallon
Body Purification
2 pounds Sea Soak
Sale Price:$64.07
Free S&H

Sea Soak & Body Purification

SeaSoakPak SeaSoakPak
click on pix for larger image
TWICE AS MUCH = BIG Money Savings.
Only $12.01 to double the size

2 Gallons Body Purification
4 pounds Sea Soak
Sale Price:$82.21
Free S&H

Sea Soak & Body Purification

SeaSoakPak SeaSoakPak

click on pix for larger image
BIG Money Savings

3 Gallon Body Purification
6 pounds Sea Soak

Sale Price:$138.21
Free S&H

The True Power of Hydrogen Peroxide, Miracle Path to Wellness by Mary Wright
It has very practice, importance and specific guidelines and instructions.

A special thank you to all those who contribute to the growing knowledge base for usages and benefits of food grade hydrogen peroxide. If you know of an application we do not list, drop us an email. We'd be glad to give you knowledge and give you credit if you wish. Thank you.

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