Bath, Pool & Spa 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Remember when you had a swimming pool or hot
tub for the first time?
When a person has their first swimming pool or hot tub for the first time it is very exciting. Can you remember how special a moment it was when you went into that water for the first time - and how often you used it at first? A swimming pool or hot tub is a very special, wonderful place. It is a place to leave troubles behind you, let your mind go free and relax. Yet people soon are using their swimming pool or hot tub less and less. Within 3 years over half of hot tubs are drained and never used. 78% of pool owners surveyed would not want a swimming pool again. They just become expenses and chores, rarely used. You would think people would rush to jump in, but for some reason have less and less interest in doing so? Why? Why do people fall out of love with their swimming pool or hot tub? What is the cause? There is a very REAL reason. Your immune system and body does not want you to get in that water for very real reasons. This page tells you why - and tells you how to fall in love with your swimming pool and hot tub again - and more than ever before. So this is actually GOOD NEWS.
The pool chemicals most people use date back to the great age of
the discovery of chemicals. However, there was little
understanding of the dangers of chemicals. All chemicals and all
discoveries were immediately marketed for profit with no thought
for safety. They were even marketed as miracle cures as extreme as
selling bottles of uranium water as a miracle cure.
Known Chlorine Harms:
"Chlorine is so dangerous"
according to PhD biologist/chemist Dr. Herbert Schwartz,
"that it should be banned.
Putting chlorine in water is like starting a time bomb.
Cancer, heart trouble, premature senility, both mental and physical
are conditions attributable to chlorine treated water supplies. It is
making us grow old before our time by producing symptoms of aging such
as hardening of the arteries."
Is Bromine a safe alternative?
Known Bromine Harms:
Metropolitan Emergency Response Network
dichlorobromomethane as particularly dangerous and harmful - and
The Metropolitan Emergency Response
Network advises:
"Dichlorobromomethane (bromine) should be handled as a
CARCINOGEN--WITH EXTREME CAUTION. * Exposure can irritate the eyes,
nose and throat. Higher levels can irritate the lungs and may cause
you to become dizzy, light-headed and to pass out. Could cause death.
* Repeated exposures affects the liver. * Contact can irritate the
skin." When combined, chlorine and bromine make:
The Growing National Health Crisis
Cancer is rampant in
the United States to epidemic levels. Birth defect rates are soaring.
Over half the adult population over 35 is fighting serious health issues
and on prescription drugs. Mental health and depression, dementia, lung
ailments, terrible skin appearance, and premature aging are a growing
national problem, and the list goes on. PEOPLE NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAT
TOXIC CHEMICALS HARM YOU. In fact, they destroy your body.
Protect Your Children &
The health damage of chlorine and bromine are cumulative. The younger the person, the more likely they will develop serious, permanent or fatal disease, birth defects of their own children and the other extremely harmful health effects. Compounding this is that young children tend to swallow more water in a swimming pool.
"Putting children into water containing chlorine, bromine or other
toxic swimming pool or hot tub water is unconscionable. From leading
to their future sterility and birth defects of their children, to
cancer and health destruction years later, doing so is inexcusable to
those who know the danger."
While you may see yourself as so old that filling your body with permanent toxins and dioxins increasingly is a risk you will continue to take, it is unthinkable to have children swimming in such water with the long terms devastating health damage well known. However, if you are older and fighting a health issue the last think you want to do is bath in toxic poisons. One recent study revealed that a non-smoker with a chlorinated pool is over twice as likely to develop cancer as a heavy smoker without a pool. The high number of pools and spas in the United States may be the number one reason that cancer rates in deaths in the United States generally are 200% to 600% higher than other countries, with similar differences in many other degenerative diseases. Many Americans are putting toxic waste pits of the most powerful toxins and carcinogens in the world in their backyards and then swimming in it. They also are constantly breathing trace amounts of lethal chemicals in the air coming from their swimming pool or hot tub.
VAPOR DANGERS: The dangers of chlorine and bromine are not only within the water, but the vapor from the water. The air from such a pool or spa subjects those around it and the household near it to continuous breathing of such a damaging chemical mixture. Carbon, paper filter and ionic air filters will not remove these chemicals from the air you breathe. The harmful air vapors surrounding a chlorine and bromine treated pool or spa make it a 24-7 silent and insidious health destroyer. CURIOUS CONTRADICTIONS IN CONCEPTS OF THE ECONOMICS OF PERSONAL HEALTH: It is amazing to see people drinking $1 bottles of water to avoid tap water sitting beside a chlorine and bromine treated swimming or hot tub. Bottled water sales no exceeds soda pop sales for health. But it is a curious contradiction that a person will spend hundreds of dollars a year on bottled water - and then dive into water packed with toxic chemicals. A swim in that pool equals more than 1 year of drinking chlorinated water and has 10 times the number of toxins and carcinogens at thousands of times the level of tap water. THE WATER GETS WORSE WITH TIME BY CHEMICAL MAGNIFICATION: As you keep adding more of those chemicals, they are combining with other organic and inorganic substances to make more highly complex deadly chemicals. Overtime, the lethality of the water is always concentrating more and worsening. Baquacil® System? We HIGHLY advise against Baquacil Systems and Chemicals.
The material below tells an alternative pool and spa water treatment
that is growing rapidly in popularity. Now used by over 1,000,000+
swimming pool and hot tub owners in the USA.
Why people switch to hydrogen peroxide for their pools and hot tubs One reason is to answer a simple question: Why don't you use your pool or spa more than you do? How often do you think of using it, but then somehow just don't? Hydrogen peroxide rather than toxic chemicals in the water makes the pool or hot tub more pleasant and enjoyable. While some switch for reasons of personal health (pool chemicals are very harmful), most have a more basic reason. They want to enjoy using their pool or spa. People with grandchildren, children or their own health issues should NEVER go into a swimming pool or hot tub with any form of chlorine or Bromine. The longer term effects on children could be devastating as adults. The main reason people with pools and spas quickly come to rarely actually use - or even sit by - their pool or spa is an instinctive health repulsion your body recognizes, even though you do not consciously recognize the danger. The water and area smells like chemicals. The water stings your eyes and turns them red. Skin turns white to deep layers and for some their skin can just be peeled off. That is because your skin is living tissue and the largest human organ vital to your health that is literally being poisoned to death by the deadly chemical in the water. People familiar with hydrogen peroxide treatment of pools and spas will not use toxic pool chemicals. To no surprise, there are people who do not want to relax or swim in toxic chemicals or breathe toxic fumes. Rather, they want to relax in pure, healthy, odor free and clean water. It also is increasingly understood that the "relatively safe" (as often called) pool chemicals interact with other chemicals and organics that enter a pool or spa, the chemical composition of the pool chemicals change to even more dangerous and harmful chemicals. The list is long and varies for different pool chemicals. Included are chemicals known to cause cancer and known to cause lung, liver, DNA, nerve and brain damage. When any organic life form is destroyed, a result is the formation of ammonia. Most pool chemicals contain chlorine or bleach (or derivatives). Bleach and ammonia combined form chlorine gas, which also is what was used in death penalty gas chambers and in WWI chemical weapons. This is another particularly deadly chemical formed by typical pool and hot tub chemicals. Chemical Magnification Across Time The chemicals also continue to build up with each treatment by pool chemicals because the working chemicals have converted to other non working and more dangerous forms. Quickly, the pool becomes a toxic chemical trench, rather than the pure water swimming pool or hot tub hoped for. This is why most people often plan to use their pool or spa but do not use it. They come to start telling themselves that they should use their pool and spa more often out of some sense of duty to use the thing they paid so much money for and some sense of guilt - almost like a person saying "I should go to church more often". Of course, pools and spas are not about duty, they are suppose to be about pleasure and cleanliness. The subconscious mind is very survival oriented. Just like it will know that gasoline fumes are harmful and drinking gasoline would be harmful, it also is putting up powerful resistance to using the pool of chemicals or even being around the fumes of it. Many people switch to hydrogen peroxide for their pool or spa because they are health conscious. However, most switch because their pool or spa is more enjoyable to use and be around for whatever reasons that is. The Smell Factor
Why you will avoid or love your swimming pool or hot tub
To understand the lack of any "smell" of hydrogen peroxide versus the smell of chemicals in a treated pool or hot tub is to understand what hydrogen peroxide is and what it does in nature. Hydrogen peroxide treated swimming pools and hot tubs have NO odor or smell. Hydrogen peroxide is the atom hydrogen peroxide. This means it has water (h2o) and an extra oxygen molecule that is attached. It is a liquid. However, it also is only semi-stable. Contact with organic substances and with a short list of minerals causes it to decompose. This means it releases the extra oxygen molecule in gaseous form of 100% pure oxygen (oxygen is a gas with a free atom) and what remains is 100% pure water. Pure oxygen is extremely toxic to micro-organisms. Essentially, it burns them with pure oxygen. If you have ever been on an oxygen tube in a hospital, you may remember that if the oxygen level was turned up too high, your nose would start to burn. While oxygen is extremely beneficial, if the level is too high it causes organic substances to burn (actually they "rust", but I will avoid chemistry in detail.) Hydrogen peroxide also is a charged atom, very movement active. On the atomic level, hydrogen peroxide will kill simple organisms on the molecular level. It does so by decomposing to pure water and pure oxygen when contacting organic substances of any kind. In a pool or hot tube, it acts similar to the human immune system, in which immunity system cells attack foreign objections, but do not harm the larger life form (such as you.) This is how hydrogen peroxide works. It uses pure oxygen against micro-organisms.
Example of LIGHTNING &
Hydrogen Peroxide
Many people knowledgeable about house plants or gardening will add just a few drops of food grade hydrogen peroxide per gallon to the water for watering plants. This both oxygenates the roots avoiding root rot and eliminates bacteria and fungus that attack plant roots. NO ONE adds chlorine or bromine to water for their plants. If swimming pool chemicals were safe they would not kill fish and plants, would they? Think about that for a moment. Bugs, fish and plants will quickly die in most swimming pools due to the chemicals. Why? Because they are toxic deadly chemicals. You house and garden plants will LOVE hydrogen peroxide! Click here or on pictures above for MANY usages.
Don't have a swimming pool or hot tub? See our bath packages. You will have THE most WONDERFUL night's sleep of your life, while cleansing, purify and nurturing our skin. Many people add hydrogen peroxide to their bath and foot bath water for health reasons. Hydrogen peroxide oxygenates the skin and helps to clean skin (skin is porous and builds upon waste excretion). Hydrogen peroxide also kills fungus and other micro-organisms that live on and just below skin surface. There is no harmful side effects possible as hydrogen peroxide is non-toxic. No one pours typical chlorine and bromine pool chemicals into their bath water believing it healthy. Scroll down for our bath package special.
Many older folks remember when every medicine cabinet had a bottle of low concentration hydrogen peroxide. If someone got cut, it would be poured over the cut. It would fizz up in a white foam and then you just washed it away, the germs killed. Many doctors still do. No one ever grabbed a bottle bleach to pour it over the wound! You do NOT pour deadly toxic chemicals on a wound, do you? So why would you swim in and breathe those toxic chemicals? That makes NO sense. How did the hydrogen peroxide kill the germs if it is not toxic? It killed it with pure oxygen. Here's how: What is Hydrogen Peroxide? The chemical description of hydrogen peroxide is h2o2. That means it has two atoms of hydrogen and two atoms of oxygen. Water is h2o, meaning only 1 atom of oxygen. The difference is one atom of oxygen. Hydrogen peroxide is water with an extra pure oxygen atom. There is NOTHING toxic in hydrogen peroxide. It is just water and oxygen. But this makes it one of the most used chemicals in the world.
Hydrogen Peroxide is water (h2o) with an extra oxygen atom (o).
Hydrogen peroxide is water and oxygen. Neither are toxic to upper life
forms and your body needs both. THERE ARE NO TOXINS IN HYDROGEN PEROXIDE: Hydrogen peroxide in pool treatment is not only neither toxic nor harmful, it actually is good for your skin by oxygenating skin (rather than bleaching and poisoning it). As the elements of hydrogen peroxide are only pure water and pure oxygen, it will naturally decompose in its usage cycle for 100% decomposition into pure and safe atoms of water and oxygen only. Thus, there is no chemical build up nor conversion to other chemical compositions. Why you will LOVE your swimming pool or hot tub again - and more than ever... Not only is hydrogen peroxide safe and non-harmful, it is GOOD FOR YOU. Your skin is your body's largest organ. It is porous. It literally breathes! (Most people don't know that.) Skin breathes in oxygen and exhales toxins. So if you are in toxic and poisonous swimming pool or hot tub water, your skin is absorbing the toxins, while you also are breathing toxic laced fumes in the air above the pool. The hydrogen peroxide in the pool or hot tub water kills the micro-organisms in and on your skin, plus removed dead skin, allowing your skin to exhale poisons and toxins from in the air we breathe and food we eat. The skin absorbs oxygen from this process. NO ONE can be healthy with unhealthy skin. This water with trace amounts of hydrogen peroxide is fantastic for your skin. Your body loves it! YOU WILL LOVE YOUR SWIMMING POOL OR HOT TUB BECAUSE YOUR BODY LOVES THE WATER IN IT. It is that simple (and that beautiful.) There is NOTHING else to add to the water. No other chemicals of any kind. Of course, if you also want the wonderful benefits of minerals too, just add Sea Soak. Soaking in mineral water is the oldest health remedy known to humanity.
About Our Certified 35% Food Grade Hydrogen
The hydrogen peroxide of our pool and spa packs is Certified 35% Food
Grade Hydrogen Peroxide. This means it meets the standards of both the
U.S. government and industry standards for purity.
Hot Tub Usage and Costs: No knowledgeable person would knowing put toxic or nauseous chemicals in their hot tub - but that is exactly what typical pool and hot tub chemicals at the store are. Their usage for pools and hot tubs dates back to when bottles of petroleum and radioactive water were sold as health cures - chlorine and bromine are that severely destructive to your health. The cost difference makes hydrogen peroxide highly attractive if all actual costs are figured. While hydrogen peroxide might appear to cost more than other pool chemicals, if you add the numerous support chemicals, testing, and frequency of draining the pool to total comparison often makes hydrogen peroxide less costly. If you try hydrogen peroxide in your hot tub you will fall in love with your hot tub again and never go back to chlorine, bromine or secret ingredient pool chemicals. The hydrogen peroxide will eliminate the bad smells that come from untreated hot tub water, but also has none of the chemical smell of hot tub treatment chemicals. Then again, what is the savings of not having to battle cancer, lung disease, Alzheimer's or another major life threatening disease? If you already have health issues you MUST immediately eliminate toxins from your life style, air, food and water! Pond Maintenance: Hydrogen peroxide also can be used in ponds with plants to reduce algae and micro-organism growth. The finest commercial aquariums now use food grade hydrogen peroxide to treat their tanks, which contain sea life inventories valued into the tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars. Draining and cleaning tanks is extremely costly, dangerous to sea life that has to be removed and particularly harmful to plant life that can not be removed. However, they can not use the toxic chemicals used for water treatment. What they found is that hydrogen peroxide "attacks" the lowest life forms first - meaning the micro organisms such as fungus and bacteria that harms their sea life. Next, the hydrogen peroxide will attack algae and lowest plant life forms. They cease hydrogen peroxide treatment level at that point to avoid harm to the higher plant, fish and other aquatic life. The hydrogen peroxide that remains in the water will quickly decompose to merely pure water and gaseous oxygen by its interaction with the organic matter in the tank and U.V. from the display lights or sunlight if outdoors. We DO NOT recommend amateur usage of h2o2 in ponds or aquariums with fish unless you are VERY careful. This requires exact testing of concentration levels and supervision that is best left to the professionals in marine life. However, hydrogen peroxide treatment is an outstanding way to minimize algae, fungus and other infestations growth turning a beautiful pond into a smelly, cloudy mini swamp. HYDROGEN PEROXIDE IS AN OBSCURE NICHE MARKET FOR WATER PURIFICATION Chlorine and Bromine are sold as pool, spa and hot tub chemicals to people who know little to nothing about water purification. Hydrogen peroxide is used by the true professionals. Here are just a few examples from our own experiences:
Fort Worth Water Gardens - A LOT WAS
Here is another amazing example of water treated with our 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Cleaning a commercial Aquarium with
Millions of dollars of exotic fish -
Putting poisons and toxic chemicals in your pool, spa or hot tub is not what a rational person knowingly does. If those chemicals kill plants and fish, they will kill you. But the chemicals are meant to kill all living things. HOW TO USE HYDROGEN PEROXIDE RATHER THAN TOXIC CHEMICALS IN YOUR SWIMMING POOL OR HOT TUB? CLICK HERE. (It's VERY easy!)
A special thank you to all those who contribute to the growing knowledge base for usages and benefits of food grade hydrogen peroxide. If you know of an application we do not list, drop us an email. We'd be glad to give you acknowledgement if you wish. Thank you. ALL PRICES SHOWN are the total price, including shipping, any hazmat fees, if required, packaging, and handling. No surprise charges or other markup gimmicks. ![]() ![]() ![]()
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